Tonal Chiropractic Overview

Simply put, Tonal Chiropractic is a generic term referring to an expanded and more encompassing perspective of chiropractic analysis and application. It takes its descriptive name from tone, here defined as “the expression of vibratory frequencies through matter”. Applied to the spinal cord; “tension alters tone”, i.e., spinal subluxations tend to increase tension. As tension is increased, the range of vibratory frequencies that can be expressed is decreased. So tonal chiropractic considers spinal cord tension over spinal cord pressure.

Tone was first described in chiropractic by D.D. Palmer who discovered and founded chiropractic. Spinal cord tension was described and distinguished from spinal cord pressure by R.W. Stephenson, D.C. in the “Chiropractic Text Book”, first published in 1927.

Tonal chiropractic approaches use a more vitalistic, physiological and moment-to-moment analysis over the more mechanically based, often x-ray dependent analysis. The adjustments tend to be low force, more facilitating and empowering to the patient/practice member in a tonal approach. The corrective and healing process tends to continue on an on-going basis rather than reaching a point of maintenance.

Historically, “Logan Basic” seems to be the first systematized chiropractic technique to introduce tonal application approaches. Then, “Toftness” technique developed the first entirely tonal approach. Lowell Ward, D.C. elaborately described the anatomical and physiological considerations of tonal chiropractic in his book, “Spinal Stressology”. More recently, Donald Epstein, D.C. expanded upon the application of tonal chiropractic with his Network Chiropractic, now Network Spinal Analysis. I co-founded Torque Release Technique with Jay Holder, D.C. Dr. Holder invented the Integrator hand held adjusting instrument and Marvin Talsky, D.C. developed and structured the Torque Release Model and technique.

Since then, Steve Hoffman, D.C. applied the principles and protocol of T.R.T. to develop MC2, a true vitalistic and tonal application of upper cervical technique; and Sue Brown, D.C. developed Bio Geometric Integration chiropractic.

Torque Release Technique represented the evolutionary development of my clinical practice in 1995 after 30 years of continuous full time practice. It was derived from applying more of chiropractic philosophical principles to the application with major contributions from Van Rumpt’s Directional Non Force Technique, Logan Basic Technique and Epstein’s Network Chiropractic with additional contributions from Toftness Technique, Thompson’s Terminal Point Technique, DeJarnett’s Sacro Occipital Technique and Pierce, Stillwagon technique.

Talsky Tonal Chiropractic (TTC) is the “Next Generation”, built on the basic structure I developed for Torque Release Technique but expanded with deeper, more complete explanations, with newer discoveries and more refined technique applications. TTC enhances and empowers the individual D.C. to bring personal experiences and gifts to the tonal model.

Does Tonal Chiropractic hurt?

No, in fact most people enjoy the experience.

Since TTC works more directly with the tension in the brain and spinal cord, rather than fixated joints, there is no need for twisting or cracking.

This work is not only highly effective, it's relaxing and adjustments are enjoyable.

Is Tonal Chiropractic safe?

Yes. Chiropractic adjustments are extremely safe. The risk factor for traditional mechanistic chiropracitc adjustments are estimated to be less than one million to one. And since Tonal Chiropractic adjustments use a very light amount of force they are even more safe and very gentle.

Tonal Chiropractic – A New Approach

Enhancing overall healing and immune functions, enhancing work performance, enhancing athletic performance and performing art ability; these along with a heightened sense of well being are the goals of the new Tonal Chiropractic. Dr. Marvin A. Talsky, a master chiropractor in full time practice on the north shore since 1965, in 1995 co-founded and developed the first new technique of Chiropractic’s second century, Torque Release Technique. As of 2001, he developed Talsky Tonal Chiropractic. Some of the refinements of the new tonal work are:

  • Non-manipulative adjustment: The emphasis is in communicating new corrective information through gentle touch or a light thrust by hand-held instrument.
  • After each adjustment, the body is given time to process the corrective input.
  • Corrections don’t stop when you get off the table, but continue with your body’s movements and breathing.
  • This process teaches and empowers your body to make more corrections and healing with ongoing care.
  • Because analysis and correction are not limited to just the area of pain and symptom, integration tends to be more complete and healing experiences are deeper in all areas of the body, mind and emotions.

The primary intent of this work is to progressively reduce tension and blockages in the entire spinal system, to release trapped unresolved patterns in the body/mind, and to facilitate reintegration of the nervous system, allowing a greater expression of one’s healing and performance capabilities.

Tonal Chiropractic: An Alternative To What?

Who should I consult for this health problem/pain? Should I consult a tonal chiropractor or M.D. or acupuncturist or homeopath or physical therapist or nutritionist or…etc., etc.? Tonal chiropractic is not a substitute or alternative for any other practice and no other practice eliminates the need for tonal chiropractic. Tonal chiropractic needs are entirely separate and unique, and, if you have them, no matter how much you exercise, no matter how good your diet, no matter if you reduce your stress, no matter how good your acupuncture or homeopathy is, you still need tonal chiropractic care. Even old-fashioned chiropractic care, if needed, still doesn’t take care of tonal chiropractic needs.

So what is tonal chiropractic? Tonal chiropractic addresses spinal cord tension more than spinal pressure. Spinal cord tensions always involve the entire spinal system from the tailbone to and including the cranial bones. Spinal nerve pressure, addressed by more traditional chiropractors, involves separate localized areas of the spine. Dr. Marvin Talsky, after 25 years of chiropractic practice learned, observed and verified with other chiropractors that over 90% of chiropractic problems involve abnormal spinal cord tension more than nerve pressure. Therefore, what has become evident is, the need for tonal chiropractic care remains no matter what other health needs are being treated. Rather than being an alternative, Tonal Chiropractic is a complementary approach to enhance healing or therapy practices.

It is vital to know that the body is never in a static state; health is not a static state of being. Each of us is either in the process of healing and developmental growth or in the process of developing health problems and/or disease. It is our belief, through our years of practice and experience, that , we don’t have to accept most chronic ailments and disabilities as a normal part of aging.

Although many health problems improve with tonal chiropractic care, the purpose of this care is to facilitate normalizing of nerve system function, freeing the body to adapt more, recover more, and to increase performance capabilities in work, athletics and the arts. So then the choice is yours. Do nothing until symptoms develop that interfere with your life. The other option is to take this opportunity- to pro-actively enhance your healing and immune functions and increase your performance capabilities now. This is exactly what many people have been looking for. We encourage you to come for care.

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We are a network of highly skilled Tonal Chiropractors that apply cutting edge discoveries in tonal chiropractic to provide the most effective care possible. Talsky Tonal Chiropractors empower the body to get the most out of ongoing care through a gentle and low-force approach that teaches the NeuroSpinal System to become better and better at self-adjusting, adapting, healing, and performance.

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